The things we’ve been putting off
Sitting with two friends recently, we listed off a few small but anxiety-inducing tasks we had been putting off for months: taxes, cleaning out messages from inboxes, taxes. For each activity, the Time Spent Stressing vs. Time Required for Action was vastly out of proportion. We laughed at how ridiculous it sounded to say them out loud.
These to-do list items triggered insecurities within us. The act of speaking them out loud and laughing at our behavior actually took away the power of the insecurities. I got texts in the days afterward, “I did it! I finally got in touch with my accountant!” and “I finally cleaned out ALL my old messages!” Even I got the damn task done.
Voicing insecurities can minimize them. What’s one thing you’ve been putting off? I suggest telling a friend, and laughing at yourself. See what happens next…